Caledonia Canal

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.A truly horrid day!

Fort William

I hope next time I cycle such a beautiful route I can see more than 50 yards. A very hard day for all sorts of reasons not least of all was cycling for so long into driving rain and strong headwinds. Any way now eating a meat pasta dish for four or a very hungry JOGLER!

One high point was a red deer that I startled on the north shore of loch lochy.

Time for more food. Good night and thanks for your interest.

Bill & Tim

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.

A short video of Nig ferry for FBW's

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.