Fort William

I hope next time I cycle such a beautiful route I can see more than 50 yards. A very hard day for all sorts of reasons not least of all was cycling for so long into driving rain and strong headwinds. Any way now eating a meat pasta dish for four or a very hungry JOGLER!

One high point was a red deer that I startled on the north shore of loch lochy.

Time for more food. Good night and thanks for your interest.

Bill & Tim

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.


  1. I think we were all thinking about you both today with regard to the weather. Well done for getting to where you have. Hope tomorrow brings better weather.

  2. if you need a little light hearted banter when you finish your day we can cheer you up a little, just join us on King Harry chat and we'll be there, signal permitting of course!
    Hope things get better for you.

  3. Sorry to hear you had such a bad day yesterday, I hope today is a bit better for you both. As the others say, we're all thinking of you and rooting for you. Fancy seeing a red deer, wow I'm SO jealous!

  4. How many hours roughly are you cycling a day?
