A rather wet ferry trip

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.

Lancaster and time for a curry!

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.

Windermete Ferry - what no chains

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.

Oh so good

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.

Cafe in Grassmere

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.Totally soaked but found a place that allowed us to sit and steam!

Fantastic Bill

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.

9 miles to Keswick again! But it did stop raining for an hour

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.

To help Bill recover from knee injury I had to cut his legs off below the knees

Sent from phone with keys too small for my fat fingers so please forgive smelling. Happy days.